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Market Development


Strategic Communications

Tamila Karpyk


Tamila Karpyk is an international security and democratic governance expert with over 20 years of experience in strategic communications and policy analysis in North America and Europe. She contributes to market development, strategic communications and research.


To launch the €79 million, 12-year Trust Fund II demilitarization project under the NATO Partnership for Peace Program, Tamila partook in negotiating the NATO Support and Procurement Agency and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Implementation Agreement.  Within the NATO-Ukraine Partnership Network for Civil Society Expertise Development, she contributed to the development of a public relations strategy promoting Euro-Atlantic Integration awareness in Ukraine. 

As a Country Expert, Tamila evaluated USAID and EU-funded projects, including Ukraine's Legislative Strengthening and Good Governance Program and the EU Cross–Border Cooperation Program: Poland – Belarus – Ukraine. 


Tamila’s policy analysis work has been engaged by the Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada; Business Executives for National Security and the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington DC, USA.; Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, VA USA; Institute of World Policy in Kyiv, Ukraine; the Warsaw School of Economics and ALMARES Institute for Market and Social Research in Warsaw, Poland. 


With over 40 publications on international security, democratization, and migration issues, she has presented at top international forums, including the U.N. General Assembly and the NATO Summit. She is a recipient of awards from the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada, Security and Defense Forum of Canada, U.S. State Department, NATO, EU, International Research & Exchanges Board, and Rotary International.


Tamila Karpyk earned her M.A. in Political Science at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada; M.A. in International Relations at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA USA; MSc. in Management of Organizations and Honors BSc. in International Economics from the West Ukrainian National University in Ternopil, Ukraine.


She is fluent in English, Ukrainian, and Russian with knowledge of Polish, Belarusian, and French. Her fields of expertise are Military & Defense, Strategic Communications and Governance.

Fields of expertise

Black Trident™ is a registered Limited Liability Corporation 2020

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